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Eurythmy in Waldorf Education eurythmy four fold enrichment Jul 16, 2024

Founder Melisa Nielsen and Eurythmy Teacher Ms. Tiffany discuss these common questions:

- Can eurythmy be done at home?

- Do you have to be certified to implement eurythmy in your home and homeschooling?

Melisa and Ms. Tiffany go deeper into these topics in the Candle Access at Auriel's Light:


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Progression Through Eurythmy in Waldorf Education eurythmy four fold enrichment Apr 16, 2024

Have you been curious why Eurythmy is a special part of Waldorf Education?

Have you been curious how Eurythmy progresses through the Waldorf Grades?

Our teacher Ms. Tiffany leads our Seasons of Seven students through the main Eurythmy theme for each grade Class 1 - Class 12!

Class 1


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Eurythmy Peter Stories in Grade 1 class 1 eurythmy Feb 06, 2024

I absolutely love all things eurythmy. I love the way it connects to the beautiful world around us. One way we relate this in classes, specifically in the younger grades, is by teaching eurythmy gestures with stories. One of my favorite things to teach, is the Peter Stories in first grade. The...

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Eurythmy Grade 4 and The Walls of Asgard class 4 eurythmy Jan 09, 2024

I have so many things I love to teach for eurythmy!  But I will have to say that teaching the fourth graders to walk the castle form after telling the story of the building of the walls of Asgard is one of my favorites!  The fourth grader is going through some major changes and...

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The Letter Gestures of Eurythmy eurythmy Feb 14, 2023

When you think about eurythmy, your first thoughts probably go the eurythmy letter gestures. And you would be correct in thinking that! The letter gestures make up most of what we do. They have such an effect on the children… of every grade and age! They can calm or excite. They can paint...

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The Eurythmy Letter Gestures eurythmy Jul 28, 2022

When one thinks of Eurythmy, the Eurythmy Letter Gestures generally come to mind! And for good reason! Almost everything we do in Eurythmy is based on these gestures! It is a beautiful, magical world that is slowly unlocked with each grade.

The Eurythmy Gestures fill and enliven our etheric...

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Copper Rods in Eurythmy eurythmy Jul 31, 2021

I love the copper rods! They are an extremely useful tool for eurythmy. With the copper rods, we are able to encourage motor skills, posture, agility, and dexterity for each stage of development of the child. It allows us to come into our bodies in a healthy way, while also assisting with...

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Threefold Walking eurythmy threefold walking Apr 17, 2021

Threefold walking is a basic eurythmy movement. It is super important to understand not just the “how to" but the “why” we do it. When we walk around in our daily lives, we are walking with purpose. We are trying to get from point A to point B.  Some of us...

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