Early Childhood in Waldorf Education

kindergarten parent child waldorf education May 14, 2024

Family Testimonial 

"Ms. Tiffany is a warm and welcoming teacher for both parents and students. She is able to make a personal connection with my daughter through our online classes and provides parents of toddlers with a great amount of resources to be successful in supporting their education and overall well-being. It's this wonderful combination of healthy parenting and creative education that really makes this class unique! ~Holly L

Founder Melisa Nielsen chats with our Early Childhood teacher Ms. Tiffany about:

- What is early childhood?

- How do you navigate early childhood?

- What stories are appropriate for this stage?

- Why rhythm is so important and how everything in life has rhythm. 

- Helpful resources for early childhood.

- What it's like to be a part of her Parent Child Class at Seasons of Seven.

Parent Child Class

The ages of birth to four years are magical years of rapid growth in the body, in speech and language, and in the development of the child becoming their own person and discovering themselves and the world that surrounds them. 

With the Parent Child Class you can expect to be supported in your parenting journey by our lead teacher Miss Tiffany as well as to become part of a community of parents that also have children in this stage of early childhood development. You will be guided on how to bring a meaningful "life as the curriculum" to your growing child. 

You will receive a weekly lesson plan that will inspire you to find a beautiful working rhythm in your home as well as to bring beautiful Waldorf Education elements to your young child. The lesson plan will include a seasonal circle (with many songs, verses, parent/child lap games, and fingerplays), a weekly story or puppet play, a movement game, a lullaby for bedtime, a weekly recipe, festival suggestions, and handwork craft to do with your child. It will also include weekly meditations for the parents, handwork suggestions for the parents as well as an article that will be on either an aspect of Waldorf Education or early childhood development. This article is typically what is discussed in the following week's Parent Meeting Zoom.

In addition to the weekly lesson plan, there will be videos/audios provided showing the circle with movement game, storytime, and the lullaby. Parents will be invited to a weekly Zoom meeting. The Zoom will begin with the children for those that are interested in coming and they can show their handwork, paintings, drawings, modeling, or any other things they created from the week. I will also sing a song, a nursery rhyme, present part of our circle or story with them. After the children's time, we will have a parent meeting where I will present a topic typically from our prior week's article, and then we can have an open dialogue, community building, and a time for questions and support. 

These early years are magical gifts to both children and their parents. However, it takes a village to raise a child. So let's build the village together, build a healthy foundation for the young children, and watch how they bloom and grow into beautiful humans. Let's also support each other as parents, build community in these uncertain times, and watch as we unfold in our own parenting journey. 


Early childhood is such a magical time of discovery and wonder. A gentle unfolding that need not be rushed. There is so much to explore!

Together we shall travel through the Waldorf Essentials Early Kindergarten curriculum, with additional adventures along the way. We will revel in the magic of stories, beauty of creation, and wonders of the natural world all around us. 

I am here to help support your homeschooling journey, bridging the gap between the curriculum and your home classroom. Familiar with those deep dark places of self-doubt and feeling lost in the woods, I will be offering a hand to hold and help lift you up in those heavy times… sharing my inner light to help guide the way.  We are the mapmakers… seeking joy and inspiration… and sailing a brightly shining sea. 

In the Kindergarten class you can expect:

  • Circle time songs and verses
  • Songs to help care for our hearth & home
  • Purposeful movement
  • Storytelling and puppetry 
  • Exploration of cultures and festivals
  • Seasonal recipes
  • Handwork and crafts
  • Seeking patterns and shapes in nature
  • Connecting with nature in walking distance (it is everywhere, even in the cities)


Miss Tiffany

Full video is available in our Candle access HERE.


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