Waldorf Curriculum Journey Part 5 - Adolescence and High School Years
Jan 07, 2025
Adolescence is marked by a new way of engaging with the world. The gratitude and love cultivated in earlier years give rise to a sense of responsibility. This is when a child begins to act out of a natural sense of duty, born from true appreciation.
The High School Years
High school marks the culmination of the Waldorf educational journey. Like a rosebud ready to bloom, students emerge from childhood equipped with the ability to think critically, create beauty, and seek truth. Teachers provide subject-specific expertise, challenging students to think logically and deeply about complex issues. Art and practical work remain integral, nurturing students’ emotional lives.
As high school students stand at the threshold of adulthood, they look forward, armed with the knowledge and confidence to forge their path. Their journey, once illuminated by stories and guided by nurturing teachers, now leads them to a future where they pursue truth and creativity in freedom. As Von Heydebrand (2010) said:
“If his teachers have fulfilled their responsibility in educating him, he can go forth into the world morally strong and intellectually ripe, and with an open heart can find his own tasks.”
Ms. Daniela
Learn more about High School HERE.
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