What It's Like to Be a Seasons of Seven Virtual School Teacher
Feb 13, 2024
At Seasons of Seven you have a unique opportunity to really get to know your child's teachers. Through office hours, listening in on pre recorded lessons and live zooms you are able to experience your child's education in a completely different way than a brick and mortar school. We asked one of our teachers to share a behind the scenes of why he loves teaching at Seasons of Seven Virtual School.
I love my work. Really love my work. Not many people are able to say that and I count myself as one of the lucky ones. I have been a teacher at Seasons of Seven for the last 3 years.I am now in my fourth year as a class teacher. The reason I feel this way about my work is that each day I learn something new. The Waldorf curriculum is rich and vibrant, not only for the children but for teachers also.
I am in the unique position to teach children from my home in South Africa and have amazing discussions with parents alike. Seasons of Seven has afforded me the opportunity to meet new families and to create beautiful working relationships. I have formed amazing friendships with my colleagues and we are able to share and assist one another as if we were right next door!
The opportunity to share the amazing insights from our Curriculum during our live Zoom meetings, is truly inspirational. We are able to have lively discussions, paint, draw, write, share and of course laugh during these meetings. I am still in awe of what we have accomplished in this short time and I am very excited for our future.
I have been able to create a wonderful and inspirational work space within my home and can share my environment with the families and children of Seasons of Seven. Each day brings a new challenge to rise to and fills one with courage and fulfilment when met and accomplished. I am in awe of the beautiful work created by the children and the willingness to share their efforts at given opportunities.
There is beautiful balance in my life through the work that I do. Once again I am inspired by the Waldorf Curriculum and it sustains me in my everyday work. I look to the future filled with joy, excitement and anticipation!
Gerhard Siepker
Class 5/ Class 8/ High School Guardian
Learn more about our Teachers HERE.
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