Class 8: Mr. Siepker (2023/2024)
Live Zooms in Pacific Time
Track 1 Class Zoom: Tuesdays & Thursday 8 am
Student Office hours: Tuesday 11 am
Enrichment: Wednesday 8 am
Track 2 Class Zoom: Tuesdays & Thursday 10 am
Student Office hours: Tuesday 11 am
Enrichment: Wednesday 9 am (Handwork 8:30 am PT)
Parent Office Hours: Wednesday 9:00 am
Apply Here!Family Testimonial
We have been with Season of Seven since the first year they opened and we are looking forward to sticking around for years to come! We have experienced several public schools, a Waldorf charter school and independently homeschooling. Seasons of Seven is the best of both worlds! It allows our children to be taught by amazing teachers while still enjoying the comfort and flexibility of being at home. The teachers do all the planning and creating of beautiful lessons. They even meet with the class parents weekly so everyone knows what the class is working on. As working homeschooling parents we love being in a supportive role and not having to do all the elements on our own. Our children are engaged in their lessons and enjoy the relationships they have built with their teachers and classmates. We love how this experience has brought the spirit of Waldorf more fully into our home. Our family is truly grateful for Season of Seven and how it meets the individual needs of our children. ~ The Dorsey’s
Class Description
In the eighth grade, we will be working with the theme of Polarity. Everything we present to the children should be done from at least two perspectives. This emphasis on duality is important as we try to meet, balance, and support the forces of the childrens developing emotional life.
Eighth grade is clearly the crown of the children's eight-year primary school journey and while we bring certain aspects of their schooling to a conclusion we do it in such a way that we consolidate the foundations for the children's confident entry into high school. Students increasingly become citizens of the world and tend to be quite revolutionary. We, therefore, share with them the stories of revolutionary periods in history and bring them into modern times. The faculties of thinking are further developed as children delve deeper into the subjects of Chemistry, Physics, Algebra, and Geometry. We address the growing child and the physical changes that are underway in the children in the study of Anatomy and Physiology when we take a closer look at the Muscular and Skeletal systems in the body.
Children will continue to have opportunities in the poetry and short story writing blocks where they will use language as their tool for self-expression. A culture of questioning will be strongly encouraged as the children seek the answers to their own personal questions.
We look forward to sharing this very rich and nourishing curriculum with you and your child.
Gerhard Siepker
Class 8 Steiner pedagogy:
Language Arts: Short stories, Story elements, Shakespeare, Plays
Mathematics: Practical math, Equations, Algebra, Set theory, 3D geometry, Solid geometry
Science: Gardening. Plant chemistry, Human anatomy & Physiology, Thermal physics and Material properties.
Social Studies: In depth on revolutions and reform, Modern history, World geography, Art history
Work Samples:
Sample Video from Mr. Siepker:
Enrichment is incorporated in your full class experience!
Meet your Four Fold Enrichment teachers!
Handwork With Ms. Maggie
As class 8 students study the Industrial Revolution this year, handwork focuses on the use of the sewing machine. We will begin the year by studying the history of the sewing machine and the overall impact it has had on the textile industry. The students will learn several different quilting styles and techniques, learn how to mend and care for clothing, and sew an apron. All of our projects for the year can be sewn by machine and also by hand.
Eurythmy Inspired Movement With Ms. Tiffany
The theme of the eighth grade is FREEDOM. We work through questions like, “Am I deciding whether to move my bones and muscles or is something streaming into and through me?” We will use this as the guide to all the gestures and form walking we do this year, which is a deeper study of the gestures and form walking. For tone, we will work with intervals, harmonies, and tone gestures, as well as, gravity and levity through raying and streaming. For copper rods we will learn to master and properly execute advanced copper rod exercises as well as learn to form walk with these.
German with Mr. Dornemann
The aim of the course is to experience the German language, to get used to its sounds, acquire basic vocabulary and speaking skills. It is intended for beginners with no or little previous exposure to the German language.
In the recorded part of the lessons there will be listening and speaking activities, poems, songs, stories and tongue twisters. Students will practice speaking by repeating what the teacher presents. In our live sessions we will engage in speaking and conversation as well as call and response.
The vocabulary covered will include actions, counting, phrases, cultural references and many words describing aspects of everyday life.
Music with Mr. Mark
In Music Class 8 we use singing games, dancing games, and sing-alongs to create music together. We explore physically the steady beat, how the beat relates to rhythm, and how beat and rhythm relate to melody in a naturally organic progression. The material we use incorporates aspects of the students’ Main Lesson blocks. Emphasis is on creative expression and musical exploration, where everyone participates together in the creation of beautiful music. Rythmic and Melodic Notation are explored in a fun, organic way that relates to the Feeling Life of the music rather than the Intellectual, and we will compose our own songs. We incporporate Intermediate Recorder into our musical explorations (many students have already been playing recorder at this age, and I take that into account as I incorporate complete beginners with those who have some recorder skills, so that we can all progress together). We will also incorporate Beginning/Intermediate Ukelele!